Missouri Lieutenant Governor (2024)

Find information about candidates in this race below, in both English and in Spanish, as part of the 2024 KC Voter Guide.

A continuación encontrará información sobre los candidatos en esta contienda, tanto en inglés como en español, como parte de la Guía del votante de KC en las elecciones del 2024.

Eight people are running in the Missouri primaries for Lieutenant Governor, a statewide elected office. Candidates include Richard Brown, Anastasia Syes, Kevin Iverson, Tim Baker, Paul Berry, Lincoln Hough, Holly Rehder, Dave Wasinger. Republican Matthew Porter suspended his campaign in July.

Missouri's lieutenant governor serves a four-year term.


Richard Brown

Political bio / Biografía política

Richard Brown was a teacher with Kansas City Public Schools for 23 years. Now retired, Brown was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in 2016 and is serving a fourth term representing southeast Kansas City. He is the current assistant minority floor leader and vice chairman of the House ethics committee.

Richard Brown fue maestro de las escuelas públicas de Kansas City durante 23 años. Ya jubilado, Brown fue elegido miembro de la Cámara de Representantes de Missouri en 2016 y cumple su cuarto mandato en representación del sureste de Kansas City. Actualmente es el líder adjunto de la minoría y vicepresidente del comité de ética de la Cámara.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

Brown sponsored HJR162, a bill in the Missouri House that would repeal a Missouri law prohibiting local governments from passing gun safety measures. He also co-sponsored Blair’s Law, which punishes someone for unlawfully firing a gun. In 2023, Brown advocated against a bill that would have allowed concealed carry of weapons on public transit. Brown opposed efforts by Republicans to ban gender-affirming health care and transgender athletes’ participation in sports. Brown has also advocated for stronger support for families by introducing a child tax credit in Missouri.

Brown patrocinó la HJR162, un proyecto de ley de la Cámara de Representantes de Missouri que revocaría una ley de Missouri que prohíbe a los gobiernos locales aprobar medidas de seguridad en materia de armas de fuego. También copatrocinó la Ley de Blair, que castiga a quien dispara ilegalmente un arma. En 2023, Brown abogó en contra de un proyecto de ley que habría permitido la portación oculta de armas en el transporte público. Brown se opuso a los esfuerzos de los republicanos por prohibir la atención sanitaria de afirmación de género y la participación de atletas transexuales en los deportes. Brown también ha abogado por un mayor apoyo a las familias mediante la introducción de un crédito fiscal por hijos en Missouri.

Anastasia Syes

Political bio / Biografía política

Anastasia Syes of St. Louis described herself on X as “The People’s Person 2024” in the lieutenant governor race.

Anastasia Syes de St. Louis se describe así misma en X como “Le Persona para el Pueblo 2024” en la postulación a vicegobernador.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

Syes apoya la energía costeable y la justicia ambiental. También ha publicado en redes sociales que no apoya el complejo de entrenamiento policial en Atlanta, también conocido como “ciudad de policías”.

Syes supports affordable energy and environmental justice. She has also posted on social media that she does not support the police training compound in Atlanta, also known as “cop city.”

  • No candidate website / No hay sitio web para el candidato


Political bio / Biografía política

Ken Iverson, from Lake St. Louis, is a veteran of the U.S. Navy and a former defense analyst. He studied geospatial science and engineering at South Dakota State University.

Ken Iverson, de Lake St. Louis, es veterano de la Marina estadounidense y antiguo analista de defensa. Estudió ciencias geoespaciales e ingeniería en South Dakota State University.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

As a member of the Libertarian Party of Missouri, Iverson says the purpose of government is to ensure the freedoms of individuals, and says those freedoms should only be limited when they infringe on the rights of other people. According to the Missouri Libertarian Party website, Iverson blames government overspending, debt and inflation on the “countless failures” of democratic socialism. Iverson is also critical of the U.S. government’s involvement in conflicts and wars abroad.

Como miembro del Partido Libertario de Missouri, Iverson afirma que el propósito del gobierno es garantizar las libertades de los individuos, y dice que esas libertades sólo deben limitarse cuando infringen los derechos de otras personas. Según la página web del Partido Libertario de Missouri, Iverson achaca el exceso de gasto público, la deuda y la inflación a los "innumerables fracasos" del socialismo democrático. Iverson también critica la implicación del gobierno estadounidense en conflictos y guerras en el extranjero.

  • No candidate website / No hay sitio web para el candidato


Tim Baker

Political bio / Biografía política

Tim Baker lives in unincorporated Franklin County in eastern Missouri. He was elected Franklin County clerk in 2018 and is now in his fifth year. Before then, he ran unsuccessful campaigns for Franklin County commissioner. Baker previously worked in manufacturing. He says he considers himself an “elected official,” not a politician.

Tim Baker vive en el condado no incorporado de Franklin, en el este de Missouri. Fue elegido secretario del condado de Franklin en 2018 y ahora está en su quinto año. Antes de eso, dirigió campañas sin éxito para comisionado del condado de Franklin. Baker trabajó anteriormente en la industria manufacturera. Dice que se considera un "funcionario electo", no un político.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

The core of Baker’s campaign is “back to the basics.” He says he’s an advocate for Missouri’s agricultural and manufacturing industries, and says he will protect farmers and their land from foreign investors. He advocates for the rights of gun owners. Baker also has experience with promoting tourism in Franklin County and supporting senior citizens and veterans. Baker lists education as a top priority, particularly bringing more trades back to students. As Franklin County clerk, Baker developed a program educating students about civics and county government.

El centro de la campaña de Baker es "volver a lo básico". Dice que es un defensor de las industrias agrícola y manufacturera de Missouri, y afirma que protegerá a los agricultores y sus tierras de los inversionistas extranjeros. Aboga por los derechos de los propietarios de armas. Baker también tiene experiencia en la promoción del turismo en el condado de Franklin y el apoyo a las personas mayores y los veteranos. Baker enumera la educación como una de sus principales prioridades, en particular traer de vuelta los estudios vocacionales a los estudiantes. Como secretario del condado de Franklin, Baker desarrolló un programa para educar a los estudiantes sobre civismo y gobierno del condado.

Paul Berry III

Political bio / Biografía política

In 2012, Paul Berry III ran unsuccessfully as a Democrat for a seat in the House of Representatives. He switched to the Republican party in 2014 and ran again, unsuccessfully, for the same seat. He ran for Congress in 2016 but fell short in the Republican primary. Berry ran and lost twice for St. Louis County executive.

En 2012, Paul Berry III se presentó sin éxito como demócrata a un puesto en la Cámara de Representantes. Se pasó al partido republicano en 2014 y volvió a presentarse, sin éxito, para el mismo puesto. Se presentó como candidato al Congreso en 2016, pero se quedó corto en las primarias republicanas. Berry se presentó y perdió dos veces para ejecutivo del condado de St. Louis.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

Berry is anti-abortion and supports the Second Amendment. He supports low income taxes for Missouri residents as well as tax relief for seniors. Berry is against merging St. Louis County with St. Louis city. During his first campaign for county executive, he told St. Louis Public Radio that St. Louis city needs to get its “financial and governmental house in order.” Last year, Berry filed a lawsuit attempting to throw out 71 proposed initiative petitions, including one reinstating abortion rights in Missouri, by arguing that they were improperly certified by the secretary of state.

Berry está en contra del aborto y apoya la Segunda Enmienda. Apoya los bajos impuestos sobre los ingresos para los residentes de Missouri, así como el alivio tributario para las personas mayores. Berry está en contra de la fusión del Condado St. Louis con la ciudad de St. Louis. Durante su primera campaña para ejecutivo del condado, dijo a la radio pública de St. Louis que la ciudad de St. Louis necesita poner su "casa financiera y gubernamental en orden". El año pasado, Berry presentó una demanda en la que intentaba desestimar 71 peticiones de iniciativa propuestas, incluida una que restablecía el derecho al aborto en Missouri, argumentando que habían sido certificadas indebidamente por el secretario de Estado.

Lincoln Hough

Political bio / Biografía política

Lincoln Hough was born and raised in Springfield and is a first-generation rancher. Hough served in the Missouri House of Representatives from 2010 to 2016. In 2016, Hough was elected to the Greene County Commission. In 2018, he won a seat in the Missouri Senate representing Greene County. Hough is chair of the appropriations committee.

Lincoln Hough nació y creció en Springfield y es ranchero de primera generación. Hough fue miembro de la Cámara de Representantes de Missouri de 2010 a 2016. En 2016, Hough fue elegido miembro de la Comisión del Condado Greene. En 2018, ganó un puesto en el Senado de Missouri en representación del condado de Greene. Hough es presidente del comité de asignaciones.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

As chairman of the appropriations committee, Hough has a hand in crafting the state budget. Hough sponsored a 2022 tax cut that provided the largest income tax reductions to the highest-earning Missourians, though he characterizes the move as supporting the largest tax cut in Missouri history. A supporter of expanding Interstate 70, Hough increased state spending last year to fund the project. Hough was also one of only two senators in 2021 who voted to include money in the Missouri budget to pay for voter-approved Medicaid expansion.

Como presidente del comité de asignaciones, Hough participa en la elaboración del presupuesto estatal. Hough patrocinó un recorte de impuestos en 2022 que proporcionó las mayores reducciones del impuesto por ingresos a los ciudadanos de Missouri con mayores ingresos, aunque él caracteriza la medida como el apoyo al mayor recorte de impuestos de la historia de Missouri. Partidario de la ampliación de la interestatal 70, Hough aumentó el gasto estatal el año pasado para financiar el proyecto. Hough fue también uno de los dos únicos senadores que en 2021 votaron a favor de incluir dinero en el presupuesto de Missouri para pagar la ampliación de Medicaid aprobada por los votantes.

Matthew Porter

Editor's note: Matthew Porter suspended his campaign in early July.

Nota del editor: Matthew Porter suspendió su campaña a principios del mes de julio.

Political bio / Biografía política

Matthew Porter is the founder and vice chairman of St. Louis-based company Contegix, a web hosting firm. He lives at Weldon Spring. This is his first time running for elected office. According to a 2015 Forbes article, Porter’s Contegix firm was an “Angel Vendor,” donating more than $1 million in services to St. Louis startups.

Matthew Porter es fundador y vicepresidente de Contegix, empresa de alojamiento web con sede en St. Louis. Vive en Weldon Spring. Es la primera vez que se presenta a un cargo electo. Según un artículo de Forbes de 2015, la empresa Contegix de Porter fue un "Angel Vendor", donando más de un millón de dólares en servicios a startups de St. Louis.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

Porter lists business attraction and retention as one of his main policy priorities, and says Missouri has the foundation to be an economic hub. Porter points to Florida and Texas as two states that have recruited businesses with “low taxes, safe communities, business-friendly rules and regulations, and strong schools.” Porter also supports increased tourism to Missouri and, according to his website, thinks the lieutenant governor should find opportunities to promote travel to the state.

Porter enumera la atracción y retención de empresas como una de sus principales prioridades políticas, y afirma que Missouri tiene los cimientos para ser un centro económico. Porter señala a Florida y Texas como dos estados que han captado empresas con "impuestos bajos, comunidades seguras, normas y reglamentos favorables a las empresas y escuelas sólidas". Porter también apoya el aumento del turismo a Missouri y, según su página web, piensa que el vicegobernador debe encontrar oportunidades para promover al estado como un destino.

Holly Rehder

Political bio / Biografía política

Holly Rehder lives in southeast Missouri. She served in the Missouri House of Representatives from 2013 to 2020 before being elected to the Missouri Senate. Before taking office, she was director of government affairs at a cable television company. Rehder got into politics because she saw a need for “strong, unwavering leadership” on conservative values.

Holly Rehder vive en el sureste de Missouri. Formó parte de la Cámara de Representantes de Missouri de 2013 a 2020 antes de ser elegida para el Senado de Missouri. Antes de asumir el cargo, fue directora de asuntos gubernamentales en una empresa de televisión por cable. Rehder se metió en política porque vio la necesidad de un "liderazgo fuerte e inquebrantable" sobre valores conservadores.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

Rehder says her policy positions are guided by her faith. Rehder sponsored SB39, which restricts athletes to participate in male or female sports based on their gender at birth; it was signed into law in 2023. Rehder has supported bills in favor of weakening gun restrictions, such as one that allows gun owners to openly carry weapons without a permit, and has opposed safety measures such as “red flag” laws. She also supported legislation that bans foreign ownership of Missouri land. Rehder sponsored a bill this year to ban child marriage and exempt food purchases from state sales tax.

Rehder dice que sus posturas políticas están guiadas por su fe. Rehder patrocinó el proyecto de ley SB39, que restringe la participación de los atletas en deportes masculinos o femeninos en función de su sexo al nacer; se convirtió en ley en 2023. Rehder ha apoyado proyectos de ley a favor de debilitar las restricciones a las armas, como uno que permite a los propietarios de armas llevarlas abiertamente sin permiso, y se ha opuesto a medidas de seguridad como las leyes de "bandera roja". También apoyó la legislación que prohíbe la propiedad extranjera de tierras de Missouri. Rehder patrocinó este año un proyecto de ley para prohibir el matrimonio infantil y exentar las compras de alimentos del impuesto estatal sobre las ventas.

Dave Wasinger

Political bio / Biografía política

Dave Wasinger was born and raised in Hannibal. He now lives in St. Louis. Wasinger describes himself as an “America first conservative” on fiscal, social and constitutional issues. This is his first time running for elected office. Also a lawyer, Wasinger successfully litigated two cases following the 2008 financial crisis against JP Morgan Chase and Bank of America.

Dave Wasinger nació y creció en Hannibal. Ahora vive en St. Louis. Wasinger se describe a sí mismo como un "conservador de América primero" en cuestiones fiscales, sociales y constitucionales. Es la primera vez que se presenta a un cargo electo. También abogado, Wasinger litigó con éxito dos casos tras la crisis financiera de 2008 contra JP Morgan Chase y Bank of America.

Policy positions / Posturas políticas

As a conservative political outsider, Wasinger says he wants to shake things up in Jefferson City. He says illegal immigration is a top issue and that Missouri should spend money to send troops to the U.S.-Mexico border. Wasinger wants to get crime in Missouri “under control” to increase tourism in the state; he said he intends to add more jobs and revenue by boosting tourism. Wasinger said his experience litigating cases against the big banks showed him the insider deals that take place between politicians and Wall Street.

Como político conservador que está por fuera, Wasinger dice que quiere sacudir las cosas en Jefferson City. Afirma que la inmigración ilegal es uno de los principales problemas y que Missouri debería invertir dinero en enviar tropas a la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México. Wasinger quiere tener la delincuencia en Missouri "bajo control" para aumentar el turismo en el estado; dijo que tiene la intención de añadir más puestos de trabajo y los ingresos mediante el impulso del turismo. Wasinger dijo que su experiencia litigando casos contra los grandes bancos le mostró los tratos con información privilegiada que tienen lugar entre los políticos y Wall Street.

Missouri Lieutenant Governor (2024)


What has Mike Kehoe done? ›

A Republican, he serves as the 48th lieutenant governor of Missouri, having been in office since June 18, 2018. Kehoe previously served in the Missouri Senate, representing the state's 6th senatorial district, and served as Majority Leader from 2015 to 2018.

What are the three qualifications to be Lt. Governor in Missouri? ›

The qualifications for Lieutenant Governor are the same as that of the Governor: at least thirty years old, a citizen of the United States for at least fifteen years, and a resident of this state at least ten years before election.

Who is the Lt. Governor of Missouri? ›

Mike Kehoe, Lieutenant Governor.

Who is the wife of the Lieutenant Governor of Missouri? ›

Lieutenant Governor Kehoe and his wife, Claudia, have called mid-Missouri home for more than 30 years and are the proud parents of four children.

Is Mike Kehoe Republican or Democrat? ›

What do you call the lieutenant governor? ›

A lieutenant governor, lieutenant-governor, or vice governor is a high officer of state, whose precise role and rank vary by jurisdiction. Often a lieutenant governor is the deputy, or lieutenant, to or ranked under a governor — a "second-in-command", rather like deputy governor.

Who was the youngest governor in US history? ›

The youngest person to ever serve as a governor in the United States was Stevens T. Mason of the Michigan Territory, first elected in 1835 having just turned 24. Mason would later become the first governor of the state of Michigan when it was admitted to the Union in January 1837, when he was 25.

How many terms can a Missouri governor serve? ›

The governor is elected to a four-year term during the same year as a presidential election and may seek re-election to a second four-year term. No person may hold the office for more than two terms.

How many states do not have a lieutenant governor? ›

States which do not have lieutenant governors

Five states do not have a position of an official lieutenant governor. In these cases, the secretary of state or the president of the Senate is next in line for the governorship.

Can Mike Parson run for governor again? ›

Incumbent Republican Governor Mike Parson is term-limited and cannot seek re-election to a second full term in office due to having served more than two years of predecessor Eric Greitens' unexpired term following his resignation in June 2018. Primary elections will take place on August 6, 2024.

Has Missouri ever had a Democratic governor? ›

This is a list of governors of Missouri since its territory became part of the United States. Thirty-eight of the governors have been Democratic. Fifteen have been Republican. One has been Liberal Republican.

Who is the Republican governor of Missouri? ›

Home | Governor Michael L. Parson.

Who was the Mormon governor of Missouri? ›

When the Mormons attacked a duly authorized militia under the belief it was an anti-Mormon mob, Missouri's governor, Lilburn Boggs, ordered the Saints expelled from the state, or “exterminated,” if necessary.

Is the governor's wife called the first lady? ›

In the United States, the first spouse is the term used to refer to the spouse of a chief executive—that is, of the spouse of the president of the United States (the first lady of the United States and the first gentleman of the United States) and the spouses of the governors of the 50 U.S. states and U.S. territories ...

Who is the female Lt Governor? ›

Eleni Kounalakis graduated from Dartmouth College in 1989 and earned her Masters in Business Administration (MBA) from U.C. Berkeley's Haas School of Business in 1992.

Where is Mike Kehoe running for governor? ›

Another plank in Kehoe's pitch to be Missouri governor is to eliminate Missouri's income tax. “Since I've been in state government, we've cut the income tax from 6% to 4.7%,” Kehoe said. “I have backed $2.4 billion in tax cuts since I've been in office. But now, we need to take that to zero.

Who is the current governor of Missouri? ›

Michael L. Parson was sworn in as Missouri's 57th Governor on June 1, 2018. Governor Parson came into the role of Governor with a lifelong commitment to serving others and over 30 years of experience in public service.


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