Magnesium Supplements: a Great DIY Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)

Magnesium Supplements: a Great DIY Recipe - Gwen's Nest (1)

So, we’ve covered magnesium deficiency in my previous post, AND I promised to tell you about a DIY magnesium supplement, that is very bio-available (the body absorbs it easily and quickly). Many of the tablet forms of magnesium that you’ll find in multivitamins and
supplements don’t really get absorbed very effectively…especially if the supplement has calcium in it.

It’s SO easy to make a very effective Magnesium Bicarbonate supplement with simple ingredients found at the grocery store. And it’s a form of magnesium that already has lots of fans, and some clinical trial results that are very impressive! Let’s take a quick look at this news story on Magnesium Bicarbonate water, and then I’ll share the recipe and info on how to make your own.

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I’m totally excited about this! Let’s hear another personal experience from my friend, Heather:

I have had WONDERFUL results with mixing my own magnesium supplement. I take Milk of Magnesia (unflavored) and Soda water (water, sodium bicarbonate). I do a mix of 2 TBLSP of MOM to 1 liter soda water.

Milk Of Magnesia is magnesium hydroxide, which is not very absorptive into the tissues and cells. Mixing it with the soda water causes a chemical reaction that converts the magnesium hydroxide into magnesium bicarbonate, which is absorbed readily by the body.
My Naturopath is king of making his own supplements and says they have tested the results of raising serum levels of magnesium with different supplements and the only thing that raised magnesium levels faster than this mix was IV magnesium given in the hospital.”

So are you ready to make some?

Magnesium Supplement Recipe

Magnesium Supplements: a Great DIY Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2)


Prep time

Total time

Author: Gwen

Cuisine: Herbal and Supplement Recipes


  • 2 liter bottle of chilled soda water
  • ¼ c. of plain (unflavored) Milk of Magnesia


  1. Measured the Milk of Magnesia into the lid it came with (4T=1/4 cup).
  2. Slowly pour the MoM into the chilled 2 liter soda bottle.
  3. Cap it, shake it, and return it to the fridge after use.


Updated Recipe:
If you can't find "Soda Water" that is suitable, then you may buy just plain carbonated water.
Add ½ t. of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the measured out Milk of Magnesia, and stir in. It may fizz a little. Pour this mixture into the plain carbonated water.
Estimated Magnesium Content per Serving:
125 mg of magnesium per 4 oz. serving
Homemade Magnesium Bicarbonate Cost:
with .99 (2 liter) club soda and $1.99 plain MOM (2T per liter, or ¼ c. per 2 liter bottle), the cost is $.08 per 4 oz. serving. Or $.64/liter
Ways to Take Your Homemade Magnesium Supplement:
Flavored: We add it to juice around here all the time. It can alter the color somewhat so be warned. –Heather
In your daily water: I have a 2L bottle and about ⅓ of it is the concentrate, at this point that seems to be what I need. –Beppy Jo
We just drink it straight from the bottle. –Judi
Other ideas for flavor: We add a bit of liquid sweetleaf stevia flavoring to it, add lemon juice, or a packet of Emergen C (it gets REALLY fizzy!) –GwenMagnesium Supplements: a Great DIY Recipe - Gwen's Nest (3)

I told you it was easy!

An Alternative Magnesium Bicarbonate Recipe
Judi and Heather both pointed me to this article, from a newsletter
which is put out to the Arterial Fibrillation community that explains a
lot more about this homemade magnesium supplement, with an alternate recipe with higher magnesium concentration. Be sure to check out his source citations if you want to see clinical trial results and other highly valuable and nerd-worthy info.

How does this compare to another magnesium supplement as far as absorption?
According to the Afibb newsletter that I posted above, “Magnesium dissolved in water (ionized) is considerably more bioavailable than is magnesium in solid tablets or capsules. About 50% of the magnesium contained in magnesium/bicarbonate water is absorbed [sources cited on his newsletter]. This is 12 times better than the absorption rate for magnesium oxide. So drinking 1 liter of magnesium/bicarbonate water [approx. 4 cups] per day would correspond to taking five 500 mg magnesium oxide tablets daily.”

How does it taste, and am I mixing this right?

It will have a very slight mineral/Gatorade type aftertaste, and will still have a bit of fizz. The soda water may bubble over while mixing. Judi suggests chilling your soda water first, and then adding the milk of magnesia in a little at a time, or very quickly, and capping it. Heather adds little bits at a time, letting it settle between pours. I dumped a little bit of the soda water out, and then added the milk of magnesia to the bottle.

How much should I take and how do I gauge when I’ve gotten enough?
This is what is difficult about magnesium. It’s not easy to test cellular levels. Your physician can test the blood levels, but that doesn’t really give you the full picture. There are other tests available, but I’m comfortable (after reading several articles by doctors on this topic) just basing our need on symptom clusters, and gauging our response based on bowel tolerance. What that means is, when your body has enough, you’ll notice that you’ll start to have a “cleansing” reaction from your bowels. When this happens, Heather shares:

“This is the way I judge how much magnesium I need: When things start to loosen up back off big time. Skip a day and then take just a little to see how you are doing with it.”

So that’s what we’re going to do. Heather started out taking 4-6 oz., 3 times per day, and is now down to 2T per week, to maintain her levels of magnesium.

I believe, based on symptoms, that we’re relatively deficient here. So I have mixed up the conservative 2T/liter blend, and I’m dosing my husband and I twice a day with 4 oz. glasses. I plan to start my younger daughter, who has signs of deficiency, with 2-4 T per day, just mixed in with her water bottle. Once we hit saturation point, I’ll back way off and just move to a once or twice a week maintenance dose.

Other things to be aware of:

  • Calcium is going to interfere with how much magnesium you absorb; your body “uses” some of the magnesium for your body to metabolize calcium. So, if you’re JUST looking at boosting magnesium, don’t combine this with a meal, snack, supplement, or drink that contains calcium.
  • While this form of magnesium is alkaline, it isn’t supposed to neutralize stomach acid. But any drink taken with a meal will dilute your stomach acid, just on the principal of adding more volume to the stomach juices. So those with digestion issues may get better results (and higher absorption) taking this on an empty stomach.
  • If you have heartburn, or other stomach acid issues (which can mean not enough acidity), then you may want to consider supplementing with some HcL, or using Yellow Dock tincture or digestive bitters to increase your body’s ability to absorb minerals and fat soluble vitamins.

I have experience with a few other forms of magnesium that may be worth mentioning.

Supplement Tablets
: I took a separate Cal/Mag/Zinc supplement with my last pregnancy that was a blend of Magnesium Oxide, Calcium, Zinc, and vitamin D3. It was honestly just the cheapie grocery store brand, but it was my best pregnancy ever, with absolutely no middle of the night leg cramping! I liked how it worked, but if I had known this recipe at the time, I would probably have used it instead.

Natural Calm is a powdered supplement of magnesium citrate, which is very popular. It’s mixed into water, and effervesces a bit like Emergen C or Alka Seltzer. It comes in several flavors. Many people who use it swear by it, and love it for helping them get good rest at night.
NOW foods makes magnesium citrate (sans the flavoring and such that Natural Calm contains) in a bulk/powdered form, which can be found here:

My Mom uses this (it’s less expensive that the Natural Calm) and just puts it in her morning smoothie, or stirs it into a small glass of juice before bed. It’s fizzy and sour, so it’s great stirred into citrus juice.

Magnesium Oil: I’ve read some great personal testimonies about using magnesium as a trans-dermal supplement, often called “magnesium oil”. You can read about another bloggers experience with magnesium oil, and how to make your own very cheaply with a magnesium oil recipe.

Have you supplemented with magnesium before? I want to hear how it went, and what you used.

Magnesium Supplements: a Great DIY Recipe - Gwen's Nest (4)

Magnesium Supplements: a Great DIY Recipe - Gwen's Nest (2024)


What is the most effective form of magnesium supplement? ›

Magnesium glycinate is a highly bioavailable form of magnesium made from magnesium and the amino acid glycinate. It's effective for treating low magnesium levels, is well-tolerated, and is less likely to cause gastrointestinal side effects than other forms, such as magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate.

How do you get 100% of magnesium daily? ›

Achieving 100% of the daily recommended magnesium intake can be accomplished by eating foods rich in magnesium, such as:
  1. spinach.
  2. dark chocolate.
  3. avocado.
  4. tofu.
  5. almonds.

Which magnesium is best for sleep and anxiety? ›

2 Easy for the body to absorb, magnesium glycinate is known for its calming properties and may promote relaxation and sleep. Research shows that magnesium glycinate may help relax the mind and body, potentially reducing stress and anxiety that can interfere with sleep.

What type of magnesium is best for joint pain? ›

What Type of Magnesium is Best for Joint Pain? Magnesium glycinate and magnesium malate are two particularly effective forms when choosing the best type of magnesium for joint pain. Magnesium Glycinate, a combination of magnesium and glycine, is a particularly effective supplement for managing joint pain.

Is it better to take magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate? ›

Choose Magnesium Glycinate if you're having trouble sleeping, need enhanced calm and muscle relaxation, or want to support your mood. Choose Magnesium Citrate if you're looking to boost your overall levels of Magnesium in your body, or if you're looking for digestive regularity or cardiovascular support.

Does magnesium help you lose belly fat? ›

Yes, studies show magnesium supplementation can help reduce belly fat storage. Magnesium modulates cortisol and metabolic pathways involved in fat distribution. Taking 200-400 mg/day of magnesium citrate as part of a healthy diet and exercise regimen may help target a reduction in abdominal fat.

What depletes magnesium? ›

Refining or processing of food may deplete magnesium content by nearly 85%. Furthermore, cooking, especially boiling of magnesium-rich foods, will result in significant loss of magnesium. The processing and cooking of food may therefore explain the apparently high prevalence of low magnesium intake in many populations.

What drink is high in magnesium? ›

Fruit juices such as orange juice, cherry juice, and watermelon juice are all good sources of magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. According to the FNDDS, the average school container (124 grams) of 100% orange juice provides : 13.6 mg of magnesium.

Why do I feel weird after taking magnesium glycinate? ›

Taking magnesium supplements such as magnesium glycinate can cause side effects, including nausea and abdominal pain. In larger quantities, it can also cause diarrhea and more severe side effects, such as an irregular heartbeat, extreme hypotension, and cardiac arrest.

Should I take magnesium in the morning or at night? ›

Bottom line: When it comes to magnesium supplements, the time of day you take them matters less than taking them consistently. “If you're taking it for constipation or for sleep,” says Blatner, “then consider taking it with a meal or snack closer to bedtime.

Which magnesium is best for weight loss? ›

Magnesium aspartate is a special type of magnesium that is well absorbed by your body. This is important because magnesium helps with all sorts of things your body needs to burn fat. It keeps you feeling energized, helps regulate your metabolism, and keeps your stress levels down.

Is 500mg of magnesium too much? ›

Doses less than 350 mg daily are safe for most adults. In some people, magnesium might cause stomach upset, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other side effects. When taken in very large amounts (greater than 350 mg daily), magnesium is POSSIBLY UNSAFE.

Which magnesium is best for muscle and nerve pain? ›

Magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, and magnesium citrate are the best magnesium supplements for muscle soreness. Good food sources of magnesium include spinach, nuts and seeds, legumes, and whole grains.

Which magnesium is best for fibromyalgia and sleep? ›

The key is to use the correct forms of magnesium. The best is magnesium taurate or magnesium malate for fibromyalgia. These typically offer the most efficient absorption. Magnesium citrate, which is the most commonly found is a good laxative but not for maximum absorption.

What is the most absorbable form of magnesium? ›

Magnesium citrate

It is often an ingredient in supplements and appears easier for the body to absorb than other forms. An older 2003 study of 46 adults found magnesium citrate absorbed better than magnesium oxide and magnesium chelate. However, magnesium citrate is also a treatment for constipation.

What is the most efficient way to take magnesium? ›

Magnesium supplements should be taken with meals. Taking magnesium supplements on an empty stomach may cause diarrhea.

What is the most effective source of magnesium? ›

Green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains, are good sources [1,3]. In general, foods containing dietary fiber provide magnesium. Magnesium is also added to some breakfast cereals and other fortified foods.

Which is better, magnesium taurate or glycinate? ›

If you are looking to support cardiovascular health and improve exercise performance, magnesium taurate may be the best choice for you. If you are looking to promote relaxation, improve sleep quality, and reduce symptoms of anxiety and stress, magnesium glycinate may be the best choice for you.


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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.